Did you know that 68% of workers in the United States commute to work alone in a car? According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, only about 8% choose to carpool, while 15% work from home. Our Commute Calculator allows you to estimate the cost of your daily commute and see how much you could save by using public transportation, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, walking or telecommuting.
How Much Does Your Commute Cost?
Check out our commuting calculator below to find out how much you spend commuting and discover potential savings options!
*Cost estimates based on the Automobile Association of America’s “Your Driving Costs 2023.”
Note: This number is intended to be a comprehensive commuting cost estimate. To calculate the cost of fuel and parking only, change the numbers in lines E and F to “0.” For assistance, please contact our office at 866-579-RIDE.
What Is the Average Cost of Commuting?
According to a report by the Chamber of Commerce, the average commuting cost for Americans is over $8,000 annually. Our commute cost calculator uses a simple formula to estimate your monthly commuting expenses, taking into consideration the following factors:
- Gas: Calculate your fuel costs based on distance traveled, miles per gallon and the cost per gallon.
- Car maintenance: This includes routine maintenance, unexpected repairs, tire replacements, insurance, financing and depreciation. (Depreciation refers to the decrease in a car’s value over time, calculated as the vehicle’s purchase price minus its estimated trade-in price.)
- Parking: Monthly costs from parking your car.
The Benefits of Commuting
Exploring alternatives such as biking, carpooling, vanpooling, public transit or walking even just twice a week can significantly reduce commuting costs. For instance, public transportation can save households up to $10,000 annually by minimizing fuel, parking and maintenance expenses. Green commuting benefits you, the community and the environment in many ways:
- Sustainability: Fewer cars on the road reduce congestion and carbon dioxide emissions, minimizing the negative environmental impact.
- Social interaction: Carpooling, vanpooling and transit can offer opportunities to socialize with fellow commuters or catch up with loved ones over the phone.
- Time for yourself: Use your carpool, vanpool or transit commute to relax, read a book or engage in activities you enjoy. This helps improve your mood and focus for the day ahead.
- Health benefits: Walking or biking allows you to explore your community and provides light exercise, which can improve your health and reduce stress.
- Earn rewards: Get incentives with coupons and discount vouchers.
Start Earning Rewards Today!
Commute PA offers a user-friendly platform that makes finding rides easier in Adams, Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York Counties. If you are ready to save money and improve convenience, call us at 866-579-7433 to learn more or sign up on our platform and start earning rewards.