What Is a Vanpool?
A vanpool is a group of 5 to 15 commuters who voluntarily participate in a ridesharing arrangement. The group shares in the cost of operating the van. Commute PA works with a vanpool vendor to provide a safe, and reliable commuter vehicle for the group.
Who Drives the Van?
In a commuter vanpool, the driver is one of the members of the commuter group. The driver is a volunteer; they are not paid to drive.
What Are the Primary Driver’s Responsibilities?
Drivers must provide a safe, dependable commute by driving defensively. They pick-up and drop-off passengers according to the schedule set by the group, insist that everyone wear their seatbelt and make sure the monthly payment is submitted on time. The primary driver usually keeps the van at their home when not in use.
What If the Driver Is Sick Or On Vacation?
Each vanpool has alternate drivers in case the primary driver cannot drive for whatever reason. There needs to be at least one additional driver that is approved by the vanpool vendor.
What Is My Commitment to the Van?
Drivers and riders make a month-to-month commitment and may leave the vanpool at any time after giving 30 days’ notice of their intention to leave the group.
How Much Does It Cost to Vanpool?
The vehicle style and the monthly mileage allowance selected determine the monthly service charge. Add to that the cost of fuel, parking, tolls and incidentals and then the total monthly operating cost is divided equally by the number of passengers. Therefore, monthly passenger fares can vary. When you consider the wear and tear, maintenance, tires and the entire incidental costs associated with driving alone, vanpooling is very economical.

What Types of Vehicles Are Used?
A variety of vehicles are available, ranging from 5 passengers to 15 passengers.
How Is Vehicle Maintenance Handled?
The vanpool vendor takes care of all minor and major repairs. A back-up vehicle will be provided for longer repairs, and 24-hour roadside assistance is provided.
What Type of Insurance Coverage Is Provided?
Vanpools are covered by a $1,000,000 automobile liability policy with zero deductible coverage as part of the standard program. Collision and comprehensive damage coverage for the vanpool vehicle is provided and also has no deductible.
What Happens If I Have an Emergency at Work and Need to Get Home?
Commute PA manages a free Emergency Ride Home Program to help get you home in the event of an emergency. An unexpected personal emergency, immediate family illness/emergency or unscheduled overtime at your supervisor’s request qualifies as an Emergency Ride Home. The commuter pays for the ride and is reimbursed by Commute PA for qualified rides. To be eligible enroll in Commute PA and track your vanpool trips!
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