Vanpool in PA

Efficiency in numbers, convenience in travel.

Portrait smiling friends inside car

Commute PA can help commuters form a vanpool by locating and bringing together a group of five to 15 people to share the ride and commuting costs to and from work.

We’ll help to map your locations, identify a meeting place for morning and afternoon pick-ups, and even assist with finding
back-up drivers. Once your vanpool is on the road, Commute PA’s commitment to marketing and outreach at worksites will help you with potential new riders.  Participating in a vanpool not only allows you to save wear and tear on your own vehicle, but provides you with a reliable, relaxing, option to travel!

Fun Fact!

Did you know you can search for existing vanpools on the Commute PA Rideshare and Rewards app?

Green illustrated van with smiling passengers

How To Get Started


Locate 5-15 people.
Find people who live and work near you and are interested in vanpooling. Reach out to us if you would like assistance.


Schedule a meeting. Contact us to schedule a formation meeting with the group to discuss vehicle type, route, schedule, and costs.


Contact your employer. Find out if they offer the $315 Federal pre-tax benefit. Commute PA can speak to your employer about this also.

Learn how to tap into
Commute PA to navigate your commute

Decorative white arrow
Record your vanpool
trips and earn
rewards here.
Park & Ride Map
Find a Park & Ride lot to
meet your vanpool
partners here.
Park & Ride Map
Commute Calculator
How much does your
commute cost?
Find out here.
Commute Calculator
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